July 4, 2015

The Gummy Bear Implant Process


Which type of breast implant you select can make a large difference in the look and feel of the breasts. The newest innovation in breast enhancement is gummy bear implants. These new types of implants keep their shape better than traditional silicone or saline implants. Also, they have very little chance of ever rupturing.

For these reasons, gummy bear implants are becoming quite popular. Dr. Fiorillo is highly skilled with these new breast implants and can assist you in his popular New York office.

During your initial consultation, Dr. Fiorillo will talk to you about the various breast implant options. He will find out more about your life, goals and activities. After doing so and conducting a physical examination, he will provide recommendations to you about which implant to use.

While gummy bear implants are an outstanding choice, no one implant is always better than another. Each type – gummy bear, silicone and saline – each has various benefits, considerations and down sides. As you may know, gummy bears are the newest implant on the market. They have been completed tested and approved by FDA. They are just as safe as any other implant that Dr. Fiorillo offers.

Remember, if you and Dr. Fiorillo decide on the gummy bear implants, you will need larger incisions. This type of implant retains its shape at all times. The up side of this is that gummy bears are less likely to shift in the chest. Both saline and silicone implants can more easily move around, which can require corrective surgery.

Find Out More

Do you want your breasts to have a better appearance? Then please contact Dr. Fiorillo right away for a free consultation. He will work with you to develop a customized plan that fits your body’s specific needs, and will determine the best path forward for you.

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