July 27, 2015

Common Gummy Bear Implant Questions


If you are considering having gummy bear breast implants, you probably have a few questions. Below are the most common ones that Dr. Fiorillo receives:

Do Gummy Bear Implants Feel Natural?

Older style silicone implants may feel softer than gummy bear implants, at least when outside the body. When they are implanted, however, this can change. The gummy bear implants often feel very natural after they have been in the body for several months.

Also note that gummy bear implants are less likely to fold or show ripples. Silicone implants also have a higher rate of capsule contracture, which can lead to them feeling hard.

Are Gummy Bear Implants More Expensive?

These are new implants on the US market, so it makes sense that they will cost more. The implants generally cost approximately $500 more, but this can vary. Talk to Dr. Fiorillo for more information about cost.

Are Gummy Bear Implants Safer Than Silicone or Saline?

Silicone and saline breast implants contain silicone in the implant shell. Gummy bears also have silicone, but if the implant were to rupture, it is less likely to migrate into your breast tissue. Gummy bears get their name from the fact that they contain thicker silicone gel. So, in that way, gummy bears could be considered ‘safer’ in a sense.

However, extensive clinical studies have been done that showed no relationship between silicone breast implant leakage and serious health side effects, such as autoimmune disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

All three types of breast implants are very safe. Which to choose depends upon your exact situation.

Contact Us Now

Do you want your breasts to have a better appearance? Then please contact Dr. Fiorillo right away for a free consultation. He will work with you to develop a customized plan that fits your body’s specific needs and will determine which breast implant is best for you.

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