July 8, 2014

For A Natural Look and Feel, Choose Gummy Bear Breast Implants

Gummy Bear Implants are the latest in breast implant technology and are known to be the safest and most natural looking and feeling breast implant on the market today. They have many advantages over other traditional silicone type breast implants. Gummy Bear Implants are made of a material that cannot rupture or leak. If you know what the Gummy Bear candy is like, then you now know why these were named as such. The material in Gummy Bear implants is solid, but very soft and pliable. This gives the Gummy Bear implant the safety of not having a patient worry about rupturing or leaking of traditional saline type implants.

If you are considering a Gummy Bear implant breast procedure or would like to learn more about Gummy Bear breast implants, then you should contact Dr. Fiorillo and his highly trained and expert staff today and set up a consultation today and find out if the Gummy Bear implants could be right for you.

Gummy Bear Implants are designed differently than traditional saline style breast implants in that the saline style implants are liquid filled and there is not much choice on the shape of the implant. Traditional saline style implants are usually known as a ‘one size fits all’ type of implant where the Gummy Bear style implant actually are designed with different shapes depending on what is desired. Gummy Bear implants hold their shape and have a feel that is more natural than saline style implants. Gummy Bear implants are very soft and pliable yet bounce back to their shape from touch. This means there will be no loss in shape and due to the fact they are made of gel silicon, makes them the safest type of breast implant on the market.

Dr. Fiorillo is an expert on Gummy Bear implants and is even called on by other experts to train cosmetic surgeons in the correct surgical procedures for Gummy Bear implants. Dr. Fiorillo was trained in Sweden and the company who makes the Gummy Bear implants has chosen Dr. Fiorillo as one of only four doctors in the United States, to train other surgeons on the procedure. What does this mean for you? If you are wanting to know if Gummy Bear breast implants are right for you, then Dr. Fiorillo is the expert and can help you with a consultation and see if the Gummy Bear implants are right for you. Some patients like the feel of the Gummy Bear implants and some prefer the feel of traditional style implants. Having a consultation will allow you to see and feel the different types of breast implants and also inform you of the entire procedure, and inform you of things like recovery time, what you should and should not do while you heal, and how long it will take until you are back to normal activities. Having breast implant surgery is a very big decision and it should be important that you know all the aspects of having the procedure and what you need to do. Contact Dr. Fiorillo today in New York to see if Gummy Bear Implants will be right for you.

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