February 10, 2016
Gummy Bear Implants: Why You Should Choose Them
In the U.S., breast augmentation remains to be the leading procedure for cosmetic surgery. Because of its popularity, experts have been also in an incessant quest towards introducing novel techniques for achieving safer and better results. In this case, one that has been popular in recent years is gummy bear implants. The implant is made from high-strength cohesive gel, which is comparable to the natural tissues that are found in your breast. If you are not convinced to have such if you are considering breast implants in New York or New Jersey, keep on reading and by the end, you will be easily convinced that it is indeed a better alternative compared to traditional implants.
Maintains a Distinct Shape through Time
Compared to other options for breast implants, gummy bears are better because of their ability to retain shape through the years. In the case of traditional implants, they are subjected to gravity, and they deform through time. On the other hand, gummy bears have permanent shape, and they will not distort regardless of how long it has been after the procedure. Your breasts will conform to the shape of the implants, instead of the implants conforming to the shape of your breasts.
Feels Like Natural Breasts
One of the most common problems with conventional silicone implants is that they feel unnatural. When you hold your breasts, it is very easy to tell that it is made from silicone gel. With gummy bear implants, on the other hand, the breasts will remain soft and natural. The firmness of the implant will be comparable to just how your breasts naturally feel. For sure, even your partner will find it hard to determine that you actually have implants in your breasts.
Not Prone to Damages
Overtime, silicone breast implants can be prone to different problems that can affect its look and feel. Problems such as leaking, folding, and rippling will never be experienced with gummy bear implants. The distinct filling and shape of the implant means that it will not shift. It also has tight molecular bonds that will make damages less likely compared to their conventional counterparts.
Now that you know the reasons why gummy bear implants will be a good idea, you are most probably wondering about where to get them. Do not look any further. Get in touch with Dr. Fiorillo right now. With clinics in two convenient locations, New York and New Jersey, you can have a free consultation and see how what option for breast implants will work best for you.